Before we can look at how PR pros can benefit from media analysis, it is important to understand what is meant by the term. This type of analysis involves critically assessing the media coverage received by a brand — looking at who said what, about what, in which way – and when and where it was said.
As a PR professional, it can be exhausting trying to stay on track of all the mentions your clients receive in the media. At the same time, you need to be aware of the latest trends, what competitors are up to and ensure that your client’s reputation stays protected at all times.
The best way to do all of this without burning yourself out is with the trusted assistance of media analysis.
Here, we unpack the benefits:
Media analysis helps identify the latest trends
When you are working on earned media for your client, you want to see that the content you send out will perform well. Media analysis provides you with the information you need to see which content performs better than others. This then allows you to identify what the latest trends are and what people want to see.
The reports that are compiled at Focal Points are done with the help of both an artificial intelligence (AI) system and humans, which means you will receive a comprehensive report filled with essential insights. These reports will allow you to identify key trends within the media industry meaning you’ll be able to shift gears and focus on any new trends that are emerging.
Media analysis knocks out competitors
Once a PR pro is made aware of where their client’s competitors are mentioned, it will be easier for them to come up with new strategies. This will allow them to occupy those spaces instead of opponents. Another great thing about media analysis is that it allows you to see where rivals are not being mentioned. This offers the potential for your client to get more earned media in this gap.
Knowing what your opponents are doing and when they are doing forms an essential part of bettering your client’s brand and reputation to put them a cut above the rest.
Media analysis help PR pros manage reputations better
PR pros are the glue that keeps a brand’s reputation in check; these practitioners are essentially responsible for ensuring that the public loves them. Making use of media analysis will better help the PR professional to pick up mentions in editorial media of their client’s brand, placing them in a better position to be able to jump in and save the day if a crisis arises.
Media analysis is also an extremely important tool to use when you want to see and understand how a negative issue unfolds within the media. This will allow you to be on the lookout for potential mentions that can land your client in hot water.
To understand media analysis even better it is important to know the terminology that goes along with it. To learn more, check out these 10 Media analysis terms explained.
Photo cred: Canva