How AI puts Focal Points a step ahead of the rest

Focal Points plus artificial intelligence equals a powerhouse of exclusive data! Why do we say this? Because we strive to stay ahead of the curve! 

Well, the big question that follows is this: How do we manage to stay ahead of the rest? Well, we always keep our ear on the ground to be the first to hear about the latest technology that can help us complete tasks in the quickest time to deliver nothing but top-quality data to our clients! 

Since we’re solutions  driven, we also develop our own software, programmes and apps that make it a breeze for our smart analytics to tackle all the data for our clients. 

Here are three ways AI puts us ahead of our competitors: 

1. We fuse AI with mental strength 

AI is like a puppet in a play, while humans are the puppeteers; this is because AI can’t fully function on its own. With human interaction, however, the pair can deliver a great performance! 

Although AI seems like the best thing since sliced bread at Focal Points, we believe that humans and AI need to work together to ensure top-notch analysis. 

For example, a client will send a request to our analysts regarding their specific brand needs. We will first work with the client to ensure that we know exactly what their objectives are. Once the objectives are sorted, ee will then offload all the heavy lifting searching for data and analysing coverage to our smart software. Our analysts go through the data with a fine-toothed comb, adding a narrative take on the stats delivered by the technology.. 

As much as AI deserves to be praised, there are some things that a machine simply can’t do, such as gauging emotions or understanding tone. This is why we need humans — and that's why we have both!

2. We pay attention to detail

A request or a project proposal from a client is more than just work to us. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity  and we treat it as though it’s our first and last! 

At Focal Points, we don’t just analyse data — we dissect it right down to the smallest detail. We understand that the most important facts — such as raw information and statistics — lie in the finer details, which has huge value for clients and their brands. 

Our team of analysts is trained to be thorough and to strive for accuracy in any task — big or small. Failure to pay close attention to the facts can lead to missing important data. But, with the right AI tools and a clear mind, our analysts work effectively and produce well-researched analyst reports. 

3. We offer creative thinking

Who wants to go through a report that’s just full of numbers? Well, we don’t, and surely you don’t either! That’s why we go the extra mile to make sure our reports are compiled in an easy-to-understand manner and that every report is delivered according to our client’s specific needs. 

With the help of AI gathering all the numbers and raw data, our team plays a significant role in segmenting the data, making it into an understandable data set. We understand that our clients are preoccupied by other business objectives, ensuring that brands succeed, and that’s why we even go a step further into interpreting their data into story, so that it can be implemented throughout their various brand areas.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and it’s what we strive to do for our clients: To keep things simple and straight to the point. And, with the influence of human creativity combined with AI, we’re able to stay ahead of competitors in the forever-evolving world of technology. 

Speaking of just how much technology evolves, why not check out these Five AI trends to look out for in 2021.


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