Media analysis: Understanding the story your data is telling

Media analysis has evolved in leaps and bounds, growing its offerings far beyond the basic offerings of the past. If you’re still receiving Excel pivot tables disguised as ‘insights’, it’s time to find yourself a new media analysis provider. You deserve better.

Cutting-edge media analysis is much more than spreadsheets and statistics. What it should be is something special, something exciting. True insights, and in fact, true media analysis, looks beyond the numbers to the details and the trends.

What real media analysis looks like

At Focal Points, we don’t offer ambiguous, meaningless statements like “Your clip count was up this month” or “Your AVE was high” — that’s not what we do. Insights, objectives, answers and explanations are the spaces we play in. 

We get our advanced computer systems to do the heavy lifting, pulling all the stats and doing the more dull work involved in analysis. Our AI-powered systems, under the watchful eye of the analysts, do the data management, the auto-sentiment, the presentation layout, the compilation and the visualisations. Interpreting the data and numbers to create a detailed story, however, requires a human hand.

Human analysts tell the stories behind the data, injecting life and soul into their work.They do this by simplifying the often complex messages and abstract data, turning them into actual insights that can be utilised for better strategy building.

So, how does this magic happen? How does raw data become helpful content for each and every one of our clients? Simple — communication and engagement.

The more we can engage with our clients, the better we can develop a full understanding of them and their objectives. This co-creation of our analysis reports allows the clients’ goals to become more tangible and the overall experience becomes more meaningful.

AI makes all things possible

“Sure, this sounds great”, you might be saying, “but how is it possible to do this for all of your clients?”. Well, our AI-systems streamline the processes, allowing us to produce hundreds of stories on the monthly basis.

The norm for our reports is currently a monthly analysis, focused on a full calendar month’s coverage, but delivering those insights a week after that month has ended helps no one. That’s how fast the news cycle changes. Daily, hourly, even, but not monthly. So, to keep up with the changing media coverage, our analysis develops as time progresses.

The narrative analysis reports offer an interpretation of the story, so far. As the story grows, the narrative changes — the story changes direction. This morphing happens throughout the month; data comes in, the analysts carefully analyse and interpret the data and they write the story. And, they do this every single day, developing the story as the data fluctuates until it’s time to deliver that story to the clients. 

Objectives can change as often as the narrative does, so working closely with our clients is paramount to ensure that our reports offer valuable and insightful content. Now isn’t that more exciting than a statistical report or a plain old pivot table?

Focal Points can do anything — and we’re not kidding! Tech horsepower is sheer power, and we harness that to tell compelling stories that matter.

Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you get the most out of your data!



Media    Research Paper